Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Missing People

Four football players went on a boat trip early Sunday morning but never returned. Ever since then, there has been a search party looking for the players. Monday afternoon, Nick Schuyler, one of the football players, was found clinging to the boat that was over turned. Thankfully, Nick was just bruised and dehydrated. The search is still ongoing for the other football players. Espn, the Football Network and other news stations have been doing a great job covering this story. Espn and the Football Network station deserve the most credit because they have reporters down in the Florida Gulf Coast area everyday just waiting for information to come out. These stations also gives an update to what is going on every 45 minutes or so. Also, while the reporters are interviewing the loved ones, one reporter has yet to ask one dumb or terrible question. You know in situations like these that reporters may ask a question that may upset the person that is being interviewed. The thing that impresses me the most is that when you go on Espn’s website to check the National Football News, they have had this story in the number one spot for the past three days. That’s a big deal because there has been a lot of action going on in the NFL. Hopefully we will hear some good news regarding the football players.


  1. I heard about that. Apparently a rogue wave and deteriorated weather conditions capsized the anchored boat.

    My quarrel with this is, four valuable NFL players go missing, and suddenly, it's a free-for-all being reported with consistency. They must be found immediately, but if an ordinary person went missing, I wonder if the same amount of effort would be there.

    Great post. I hope those people are found soon.

  2. As of this evening the search for the remaining three have been cancelled. It is really sad that these young men lost their lives on a fishing trip. In some way, I agree with Christina. If they were regular people and not athelet's would there have been this much publicity.

    My prays go out to the families.

  3. As Jalil mentioned, I am struck by the sensitivity of the coverage. In the past, I can recall relatives of victims being bombarded with awful questions designed to produce tears. I don't know if reporters are getting better, or if that instrusive style of reporting is no longer acceptable for anything but the tabloids--whatever the reason, I am pleased to see restraint and class being exhibited in journalism. Given recent developments, I think showing respect for family members was the right way to go with this. What makes this especially tragic, as far as I'm concerned, is not that the four were NFL players, but that they were really young men just getting started in life.

  4. Thats really sad. It sounds like all of them had families. Well, I guess it's time people gave credit where credit is due. If Espn has been covering the story and interviewing the victims families respectfully than goos for them. It's about time the world become more compassionate. I remember when Blade was telling us in class about how some reporter was scolded by the father of the missing child Hayley for being inappropriate.

  5. How cool... I wrote about the same event. Lol! I think this story was sad yet not surprising at the same time.

    The weather has been a little shaky all over the nation and Cooper knew about the storm and thought it was a good idea to fish in it.

    The new update of the story is saying that they have decided to stop the search for the other three men.

    My prayers go out to their families.

  6. i truelly feel for the family and friends that know and are related to the men who did not come back intothier arms. but th eidea that these men had the idea to go out that far out into the see, is crazy in the first place. there hav been many differet stories and tales about how this terrible accident happened and what actual went on. many people including the one football who has come back, said that the other two football players gave up and let their bodies float off into see, within the first two hours of being alone in the see. i think two strong football players can swim a little onger than two hours, plus, i truelly beleive that they would fight to survive instead of just giving up. these men are football players, giving up is not in thier nature.
