Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A New Chapter on the Columbine Shooting

I found this article about Columbine saying that there were a lot of false information being given out at the time. The article stated that police were just talking to reporters without actually knowing what was going on. Also, the article gave more information about the shooters as well. According to the article, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold was never bullied. Harris was suppose to be this great student but the people that were supposedly his friends, never invited Harris to ever hang out with them. While Harris was a good student, Klebold was suppose to be sudicidal and depressed. It's great that this information, if credible, is coming out now. But my question is, why wait ten years later to release this information. The families that were involved in this tragedy deserves to know everything about the situation if they desire to. You would figure that since the Columbine shooting was on live television that they would have told us the truth around that time frame. It's a shame that the families involved in this incident have to be reminded about the shooting and that they were being lied to for the past 10 years.

Here is the link: http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-04-13-columbine-myths_N.htm?se=yahoorefer

I want to take this time and say thank you all for taking the time and reading my blogs for the semester. I have enjoyed reading everybody's blogs as well.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Double Standard

Lately there seems to be a lot of National Football League players getting in trouble with the law. You really can't even turn the television to Espn without seeing someone getting in trouble. I know that it's Espn's job to report whats going on with the athletes but I think they tend to be unfair when it comes to how much exposure each athlete gets. I'm sure that all of you know who Adam Pacman Jones is. Jones has been in the news for almost 3 years now, after all those incidents he has had in the strip clubs. Jones has become the poster boy of the NFL. Jones have been arrested more than 3 times but he was just reinstated back into the league last year, which doesn't make sense. For the past 3 months, he hasn't been getting that much exposure. But before, you couldn't go 30 minutes without them talking about Pacman Jones. Next is Michael Vick, who went to jail for funding a dog fighting ring. Ever since he was sentenced, there has been pictures all over the internet with him training Scooby Doo to be vicious. Also, there has been several songs that have references about Michael Vick fighting dogs. And just like Pacman Jones, Vick stays on the television. Both Pacman Jones and Vick did some serious things but let's look at Matt Jones who was just released by the Jacksonville Jaguars not too long ago. Matt Jones was arrested by police for cutting and sniffing cocaine in his car I believe. Now we know that this is a very serious crime. But I can count how many times Espn did an actual story on Matt Jones. They barely ever talked about it. I love Espn but they should be fair when it comes to how long they cover a story.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Deal Made in Heaven

For those of you who have a DirecTv, I’m pretty sure that you all are familiar with the Sunday Ticket. For those of you not familiar with this, the Sunday Ticket is a package that you can buy that will enable to watch all the National Football League games for the entire season. On Monday, the NFL and DirecTv extended their deal for another five years for 1 billion dollars. I was glad to hear this because I’m an owner of DirecTv and I’m a huge St. Louis Rams fan. I haven’t missed a Rams game for the past 6 years now. For my family and I, Sunday is not only a religious day but also a day to relax with friends and family, to watch football. I think that this was brilliant move by DirecTv because ever since they have added the Sunday Ticket package, they have gained more and more customers every year. If you love football, I suggest that you subscribe to DirecTv.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sci Fi meet Syfy

The Sci Fi channel is officially changing its name to Syfy. I know that you’re probably thinking “WHOOPI Do!” I feel the same as well. The executive vice president said that the brand needed refreshing, I think the brand need a little more than that. To start off, the Sci Fi channel actually have a few good shows but it’s the movies that they be showing which brings it down. They be making movies that really suck. Their movies have unoriginal dialogue, stupid plots, and their movies probably have some of the worst actors I have ever seen. One movie that they show all the time is this movie called "BloodRayne", which is based off a video game. "BloodRayne" is prehaps the most horrible movie of all time, no lie. The main show that was particularly good to me was, Scare Tactics. The most memorable show was when they scared this person with a half man, half rat thing. Just google rat boy if you want a good laugh. If they start creating more shows and actually start showing movies that are actually good, than I think that they can be one of the top networks on television. I think that they have to do more than just changing the name to attract more viewers.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


“Watchmen” was the big movie that came out this past weekend. “Watchmen” led the movie box office this week even though there are a lot of other good movies out there. “Tyler’s Perry Madea Goes to Jail”, was in second place. I found this kind of surprising because Tyler Perry’s movies reach across a broad audience with its life lessons and comedy. “Watchmen” is just the first big movie coming out this year. By the summer time we will have Transformers 2, Origins of the X-Men: Wolverine, G.I Joe, and many other movies out in theaters. I’m surprised that “Watchmen” attracted this big audience because this movie is based off a graphic novel. Then again, “300” was based on a graphic novel as well and they had good success too. When I first saw the preview of “Watchmen”, I had mixed emotions because the visual effects look awesome but the heroes looked corny as hell. But when I found out what the plot was about, I became very interested. There are mixed opinions about this movie. But whenever I get the chance, I’m going to the theatres to watch this movie.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Missing People

Four football players went on a boat trip early Sunday morning but never returned. Ever since then, there has been a search party looking for the players. Monday afternoon, Nick Schuyler, one of the football players, was found clinging to the boat that was over turned. Thankfully, Nick was just bruised and dehydrated. The search is still ongoing for the other football players. Espn, the Football Network and other news stations have been doing a great job covering this story. Espn and the Football Network station deserve the most credit because they have reporters down in the Florida Gulf Coast area everyday just waiting for information to come out. These stations also gives an update to what is going on every 45 minutes or so. Also, while the reporters are interviewing the loved ones, one reporter has yet to ask one dumb or terrible question. You know in situations like these that reporters may ask a question that may upset the person that is being interviewed. The thing that impresses me the most is that when you go on Espn’s website to check the National Football News, they have had this story in the number one spot for the past three days. That’s a big deal because there has been a lot of action going on in the NFL. Hopefully we will hear some good news regarding the football players.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Childhood Competition

Nickelodeon has been the dominate station for kids, ever since I was born. But recently Disney has been competing very well with shows such as Hannah Montana and movies such as High School Musical. These shows and movies have been so successful that Nickelodeon is trying to borrow from their competition. Nickelodeon started making sitcoms of their own using teenagers as well with good success. Nickelodeon’s revenue has increased significantly over the past two years. Basically this means that they still have more viewers than Disney do. The reason why Nickelodeon still has more viewers than Disney is because they appeal to more people. Nickelodeon runs a program called Nick at Nite that appeals to the older audience. Nick at Nite run shows like George Lopez, Family Matters, Roseanne, and many more. Personally, I feel that Nickelodeon is better than Disney with shows such as X-men and Spongebob Squarepants. I hate High School Musical. I don’t even know how my little brother got hooked on this movie. If I went to school telling my friends that I was watching Hannah Montana and High School Musical every night, my friends would just stare at me with no expression on their faces. But times have change.